We are currently accepted PayPal Only.
You can Pay us via PayPal to: gadisart@gmail.com, then send the payment confirmation to us via email with the information below:
Order Form
Site url: (http://yoursite.com)
Template/Banners/Addon: (which template)
Payment date : (dd-mmm-yyy)
Example1 - Order Template
Site url: http://onlinepaidclick.com
Template: viewz-me
Payment date: 03-Jan-2010
Example2 - Order Banner
Site url: http://onlinepaidclick.com
Banners: 3 Banners ( 468 x 60 )
Payment date: 05-Jan-2010
Example3 - Order Addon
Site url: http://onlinepaidclick.com
Addon: Hall Of Shame
Payment date: 10-Jan-2010
We will send the template attachment after we confirm the PayMent.
If you have any doubt, feel free to contact us.
Best Regards
Viewz (Templates4alls)